We want to welcome you to our family blog. We are posting this as a way to keep in touch with family and friends and we hope that you enjoy reading about the events that happen in our family. Kasey is currently preaching part-time at Holland's Gin Church of Christ ( and works full-time as the store manager for McClary Tire Co. I am a full-time wife and mother. God has blessed us with two beautiful boys: Chase, age 12 and Hunter, age 5.

Come visit our Bible Classes at Holland's Gin Church of Christ!

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Kasey and I are so blessed to be a part of the church family at Holland's Gin Church of Christ. Kasey preaches there part-time with Carl Witty serving as their full-time preacher. We would really love for you to visit us and bring your children to our Bible Classes, too. To find out more about the Church that meets at Holland's Gin and their Bible Classes visit the following website: Come study with us!

Family Portraits 2010

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Journal Entries

Thank you for joining us today! We hope you enjoy catching up with us. Feel free to leave comments on our blog. We would love to hear from you!

A morning at Weight Watchers and then to the park

The boys and I went to my weekly weigh-in at Weight Watchers ths morning. I lost 2.4 pounds last week for a new total of 9 pounds lost. I lost 9 pounds in two weeks! I have a long way to go, but it is really encouraging to see that minus sign on my weight loss journal.

After my weigh-in, the boys and I went to the "duck pond" at Big Springs Park and played with the ducks. Hunter finally got brave enough to go down that huge slide by himself and he even climbed the outer part of the monkey bars all by himself today. I was nervous while he was climbing, but he made it to the top just fine. He had one little slip and my heart raced for a moment. But, he did not fall! I was proud of him for being so brave this time.

Hopefully, next week, he is going to try swimming lessons. Unlike his big brother, who loves to swim and swims like a fish, Hunter is frightened of the swimming pool unless he has a deadlock around your neck. He wants to get in the pool. But when he actually does, he is afraid. I hope he will do as the teachers say and not be too afraid. I am not going to force him to participate. If it does not work, we will just try again later.

Hope to post some new pictures soon!


Leanne Helums said...

Wow! That is great!! I am so proud of you. Keep it up!

Harbin Family said...

Thanks, Leanne! I have 32 more pounds to go! I hope I can keep motivated and make it to my healthy goal!

KLewter said...

I took swimming lessons when I was five, but like Hunter, I was terrified of the water and didn't learn to swim. Mother waited a couple of years and gave it another try with a different teacher, and I did fine, but to be honest, I still have a little fear of the water to this day. I can swim if I need to, but I don't enjoy swimming for fun. I like being in the pool, just not under water. I guess it's good God made me a human and not a fish! :)

Kathryn Lewter

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